A compilation of mine and Nathan's favorite and funniest memories from the amazing Shumway family cruise!
- Cassidee nailing that three year old kid in the face during the dodgeball tournament
- The Starbursts
- Pj's pirouette and crabwalk dance during, "Carry On My Wayward Son"
- Karaoke night: "Carry On My Wayward Son"
- Luke getting "free" games at the arcade... all you need is a room card!
- Kate's random wink during family pictures
- The deadbolt not working on our room door
- Joseph putting his arm around that old guy in the hot tub
- The fact that when our family entered a room everyone else would clear out in 30 seconds or less
- People entering the lifestyles room, giving us one look, and immediately walking out
- Heather claiming three more desserts than she ordered
- Never finding out what, "the full monty" truly meant
- Nathan and Sam cheating at bid
- Macaroni and cheese and chocolate ice cream every night for dinner. -Heather
- The fact that bringing ice cream out with the entrees was too much for the waitress to handle.
- Dad getting felt up at the airport... and going through the nakednater
- Grace's random quotes, my favorite is: "These sheets smell like buttered rolls"
- The "surprise" Joseph left in our room
- The $500 Sam gave Nathan for drinking the bottle of urine and the AIDS he has now because of it (Ok, just kidding... Nathan didn't get AIDS)
- Bingo Mama
- The Norwegian Spirit Dancers (just the guys though)
- Nazi's: 1) At the chocolate buffet 2) At the ice cream machine 3) The bandmaster (hitler)4) Bingo Mama
- Nathan's "little" joke
- Sam's little woman arms
- Dancing on the DIA tram
- Getting the trivia trophy... for one night only
- This exchange that happened in the elevator- Cassidee: Kinsee come over here so I can slap your little face off, (horrified looks from the people in the elevator), NathanUmmm... she's kidding, Grant: No she not
- Nathan and PJ's couple's massage on paradise beach
- Sam winning the free throw contest
- Getting sorbet with Kevin and Mary in Roatan
- Sitting next to B.O. dreadlocks girl on the flight to New Orleans
- Everyone repeatedly asking Mary if she had eaten at the Windows Dining Room
- Waking up with Grace sleeping between Nathan and I
- Nathan falling on top of John while being thrown into the pool at Costa Maya
- The ultimate questions: 1) Would you live if you jumped off the top deck of the ship? AND 2) how much would someone have to pay you?
- Sam feeding Nathan hot wings during late night bid
- Our "Mexican Riviera" family reunion shirts
- Having so many great memories with the whole family!

Thanks for the laugh.